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cAIsar >> maple.

"maple. is a software for architects that supports any building project's planning phase by making the architect’s work easier, faster, and of higher quality.

The planning phase of building projects is a tedious, increasingly complex, and costly process that leaves huge optimization potential to be leveraged. This unused optimization potential affects the time an architect spends on the design of the first draft and the quality of the draft itself. Also, due to climate change and environmental efforts to counteract it, new regulations and legislation are introduced to ensure the sustainability of housing and cities. Additionally, the cities of tomorrow have to deal with higher density and affordability for various budget classes. Given these standards the buildings of tomorrow must live up to, architects need better tools to face increasingly challenging optimization problems in their building drafts.

With our software, we aim to bring high-quality designs to architects in just a few clicks to enable them to make cities sustainable and inclusive. Based on evolutionary generative algorithms, the software takes all variables and regulations relevant to a building into account and allows the user to quickly generate several high-quality building drafts of new or conversion buildings. We aim at providing an AI assistant to our customers that seamlessly integrates into any existing computer-aided design (CAD) software and not only creates initial proposals but also allows the user to analyze and optimize their working draft in real-time."

Contact: act.aicup@gmail.com

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