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360° Quick Check >> INQEE

"Public Online Performance matters. Due to digitalization, our attention is increasingly shifting to the digital world - companies need to position themselves online and communicate with their target groups in order to be successful. However, the online world is undergoing incredibly rapid change and is constantly changing, which presents companies and communications departments with major challenges in developing their communications strategy. The first step for a successful reputation management is a clear analysis based on a valid overview to all relevant aspects. Actual, available, and reliable. 

The current situation: Countless data, different tools, often poor quality, no integration of different sources and no overall analysis. The reputation analysis tools on the market only analyze parts of the public appearance of companies and fail in setting up individual recommendations for action on the basis of an objective analysis. We deliver a holistic and novel AI-based software solution: The 360° Quick Check. The reality with the 360° Quick Check: A one-stop-shop for all Public Online Performance insights, analyzed and prepared for your situation. Smart findings. Deep dives included. Based on scientific research. Practical and easy to implement.

The 360° Quick Check is a research machine as well as an analysis tool. Our approach is to deliver in real time objective facts, already structured, evaluated, and prepared for your use cases. A user-centered design of our dashboard and AI-driven analytics makes the 360QC a unique instrument for the daily work of communication consultancies, agencies, and companies.

We are three founders, each with different backgrounds and experiences, but we are all united by one vision: To enable open and honest communication for everyone through cutting-edge AI-powered software."

Contact: info@inqee.com

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